Pelvic Health and Healing for Women

Hey there! I’m Janelle, Owner and CEO of Wana Mama LLC

I love helping women live their best lives! I provide guidance and support to heal the pelvic floor and restore function of the whole body, mind and spirit.  

What are the benefits of working with Janelle?

Time for you! Get the support you need right here in Holland.


Understand the "Why" and learn what you can do for yourself

Restore Function

Get back to what matters most to you

Relax and Repair

Body work, energy healing, manual therapies

What does Janelle have to offer?



MANY women struggle with...

  • Urinary leakage - When lifting, sneezing, coughing or laughing, bending down or having that "Gotta Go!" urge.
  • Pelvic organ prolapse - When an organ in the pelvis moves out of its original position, usually the bladder, uterus or rectum.
  • Pelvic, back or abdominal pain - Scar tissue, muscle tension, muscle weakness and instability, trauma, posture and how we breath can create pain.
  • Scar tissue - From episiotomy, tearing during delivery, C-cection, or any abdominal, back or hip surgery can cause a variety of problems in the pelvic floor.
  • Muscle weakness or tension - Can contribute to poor breathing patterns, headaches, shoulder tension, poor posture, pain, increase urinary issues, digestive issues and painful intimacy.
  • Painful or unsatisfactory intimacy - Difficulty with orgasm, painful tissue around vulva or painful penetration. 
  • Menstruation or fertility challenges - Heavy, painful or irregular menstrual cycles, difficulty getting pregnant, pregnancy losses.


MANY women need guidance and support with...

  • Movement and daily routines - Overwhelmed by the "to do" list, not enough support, not enough movement for pleasure.
  • Healing and processing - The experiences that we have throughout our lives have memory whether conscious or subconscious. Those memories and experiences can have an impact on the tissues and function of our physical body and our emotional well being.
  • Womb Healing - A women's womb space is her power center. Some women feel a heaviness, congestion or mysterious pain in this sacred area of their body. By encouraging a re-connection to the womb space, she may feel more energized, connected and at home in her body again. 
  • Stress resilience and life balance - Life can be overwhelming, its hard to juggle it all while caring for our own well being.
  • Hormonal changes - Throughout the monthly cycle, peri menopause, menopause.

My services are driven by your wisdom, your individual needs, your personal goals and supported by my therapeutic expertise. It's simple. I’m not the “fixer”, I’m the “facilitator.” We all thrive when given the chance to be seen and heard as well as the time and space to process our experiences. The body, mind and spirit are deeply connected. When one is off balance, the rest will follow. 

I have been an Occupational Therapy Clinician since 2006. And...

- I am a Certified Trauma Informed Pelvic Health Practitioner

- Trained in pelvic floor rehab and yoga for pelvic pain

- An Abdominal Therapy Practitioner

- A Certified Sexuality Occupational Therapist.

- I also incorporate several other complimentary modalities that will enhance your healing and therapeutic experience giving you long lasting results!


Private Pay Giving You Pause?

Consider this...

I have good news! Many insurance companies DO REIMBURSE for out of network providers. It's always worth submitting invoices to them and asking for reimbursement. They often cover all or a portion of your visits. And by all means, please submit all of your receipts to your HSA /FSA if you have one! Wana Mama services do qualify!

Wait! It gets better! ... The state of Michigan does not require a prescription or referral for Occupational Therapy services! Yay! One less hoop to jump through! 

You may be asking yourself, 'Why is Wana Mama cash based?'

I can't even express how liberating it is to not have an insurance company dictating what they will cover, what we can do or how much time we spend moving toward your goals. The process can feel so degrading and dismissive. These important desicions are being made by someone who has never laid eyes on you and only has one focus in mind: the insurance company's bottom line. I promise you will never receive any surprise bills from me. You’ll know exactly how much you are paying from the beginning.

Insurance-based clinics often end up taking on too many clients and don't have the time to spend with you to get to the root cause of the problem. Paying privately can dramatically improve the quality of care you will receive and your outcomes. You will actually feel better because you will have the opportunity to get the root of your concerns. You'll get the tools and education that are realistic and relevant to your life to achieve your goals. You can't put a price on that!

Let’s be honest, having a little “skin in the game” can help increase your focus and commitment to the work so you get the outcomes you want! There is little difference in the cost of my services compared to copays and meeting insurance deductables. And they do often reimburse; so go ahead and give it a try! 

Okay, one last important thing ... Wana Mama offers a MONEY BACK GUARUNTEE! It breaks my heart to think of a client going home feeling like their time and money were not well spent. If, within 48 hours of your last visit, you decide you didn't get what you were hoping for from me, I will return your money for the last visit! You can't lose!

Book your appointment today! Risk Free. 

You Need This!

Your body, mind and soul know you need this and you deserve this. It’s up to you to stop the cycle of suffering and dysfunction and get the comprehensive care that is available right here and now. 

Schedule A Call


"Do you ever wonder what pelvic floor therapists do to heal their pelvic floor?
Today I drove 90 miles round trip to see the amazing and talented Wana Mama for some much needed self care and pelvic floor healing. Janelle, thank you for the fabulous work you do!"   
~ Amy U.
"Janelle is fantastic in her field. Her knowledge of anatomy helps me understand my body. She has helped me explore and identify what I need to do to strengthen my body and is leading me on the path to being pain free. She was easy to talk to and she shows true passion in what she does. 5 stars for sure!"

~Jessy S.

"Highly recommend Janelle's services! Her ability to make you feel comfortable and talk through every step if needed or quietly work on you is masterful. I personally have had reiki and bodywork done. Her voice is soothing, her dimeanor professional and her office space serene. Any service you seek from Janelle in her array of specialities will leave you feeling better and on the road to healing!"

~Kate SN

"Back massages are great but have you tried abdominal massages? I’m pretty sure these are what dreams are made of! Big shoutout to Janelle Kloske with Wana Mama, You are heaven sent."

~ Kate S 

"Absolutely without a doubt! Janelle is so kind and non-judgmental of women and people! She lets you go at your own pace with what you feel comfortable with. Being a working mom can be exhausting and thru her yoga class I am able to learn some techniques to help myself relax so I can be a better Mama! Thank you Janelle!"

~Shannon H.

Want Janelle to give a presentation or participate in your event?

Get in Touch!


Phone: 360-440-4531